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이메일 공유
[YMCA fund raising kick-off parade in downtown Seoul]
- 생산자
- 기증자
- 한국YMCA전국연맹
- 등록번호
- 00549621
- 분량
- 페이지
- 구분
- 사진
- 생산일자
- 1958.10.25
- 형태
- 사진필름류
- 설명
- 사진1: At the Capitol Plaza in Seoul,Korea,The Honorable Syngman Rhee,President ROK,addresses the people gathered to celebrate the 55th Anniversary of the YMCA in korea. The event was also the kick-off of a fund raising campaign. 사진2:The 8th US,Army Band segment of the YMCA fund raising kick-off parade in downtown Seoul,Korea. 사진3:Part of the YMCA Fund raising kick-off parade,which took place in downtown Seoul,Koera. 사진4:Korean school boys march in the YMCA's Fund Raising Kick-off parade,which took place in downtown Seoul,Korea. 사진5:General George H Lecker,Commander-In-Chief,UNC/USFK,Commanding General,8th US,Army,makes an address at the 55th Anniversary of the YMCA in Korea meeting in the Capital Plaza,Seoul,Korea. The event was also the kick-off for a fund raising campaign.
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